The average read speed seems comparable to Hyper-V, but those dips are realtime and make the benchmark test take measurably longer than when run in Hyper-V. I've had poor SSD performance on Workstation 14, 15 and now 16 with these huge I/O stalls. Note: On Hyper-V I had not got around to uninstalling VMware Tools and installing Hyper-V equivalent and the VM had been converted using the Starwind V2V Converter Note: The tests were run with only one virtualisation platform being installed at a time so no co-existence causing any conflicts. For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, the Windows NVMe driver is available as a download from.
Note: VMware tools was installed in the guest OS Supported Windows Versions, NVMe version supported in each release, features etc. Storage: 64GB NVMe class thick provision (also tried SCSI for marginally better results on Workstation) Storage: 2TB Sabrent Rocket NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Since VMware Workstation 14 (perhaps earlier) there have been performance problems when running a VM.